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GSAC — Geodesy Seamless Archive Centers

The Geodesy Seamless Archive Centers (GSAC) project was a collaborative effort to simplify access to geodesy data holdings by harmonizing search capabilities across multiple geodesy data centers. With funding through the NASA ROSES ACCESS program in 2010-2012, UNAVCO, SOPAC, and CDDIS collaborated to create GSAC software. The Nevada Geodetic Laboratory was a science user of the GSAC and produced Quality Assessment parameters for GNSS data. The result of this collaboration is three GSAC Repositories, consisting of a web services based application programming interface (API) and web site, running at each of the three data centers, and a federated GSAC Repository hosted at UNAVCO. The GSAC software is the foundation for GSAC repositories and is freely available for utilization by any geodesy data center. The original collaborators continue to run their GSAC-enabled repositories. The Nevada Geodetic Laboratory produces QA parameters for thousands of GNSS stations.

Past Work

GSAC was used at European Plate Observing System (EPOS) geodetic data centers; UNAVCO received NSF funding to support this effort under the COOPEUS project.

UNAVCO continued development of the GSAC software for the Dataworks for GNSS project.

Science Presentations

New Collaboration Among Geodesy Data Centers in Europe and the US Facilitates Data Discovery and Access, F.M. Boler, S. Wier, N. D'Agostino, R.M. Fernandes, A. Ganas, and C. Bruyninx, AGU 2013, San Francisco, 10 December 2013.

Integrated data search and access to geophysical data for Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories, Linda Rowan, Scott Baker, Stuart Wier, Frances M. Boler, Charles M. Meertens, and Falk Amelung, AGU 2013, San Francisco, December 2013.

UNAVCO Data Center Efforts in Data Infrastructures and Integration Capabilities for Geodesy, Fran Boler, Stuart Wier, Chuck Meertens, and Jeff McWhirter, EGU General Assembly Vienna, 11 April 2013.

Supersites infrastructure: data access services and tools, Chuck Meertens, Jeff McWhirter, Fran Boler, Stuart Wier, Susanna Gross, and Scott Baker, UNAVCO, Supersites Splinter Meeting, EGU Assembly, Vienna, 9 April 2013.

Facilitating Geodesy Data Sharing: UNAVCO Participation in the Joint European Union - United States COOPEUS Project, Fran Boler, Chuck Meertens and Stuart Wier, Wegener 2012, Strasbourg, September 2012.

Discovery and Delivery of Space Geodetic Data from Distributed Archives, Fran Boler, Carey Noll, Yehuda Bock, Corné Kreemer, and Geoff Blewitt, IGS Infrastructure Meeting, Newcastle, June 2010.


Discovery and Delivery of Space Geodetic Data Products from Distributed Archives: ROSES Geodetic Data and Product Access [pdf]


Last modified: 2020-06-10  16:40:27  America/Denver