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TEQC - Collaboration

Teqc software is end-of-life (EOL) following the 2019-02-25 final release. This final release will continue to be available from the UNAVCO website. For more information, see the white paper: Geodetic Data Services Plan for GNSS Modernization: Data Formats and Preprocessing Tools.

TEQC, for Translate, Edit, and Quality Check, is software developed and maintained by UNAVCO, originally started in 1996 as a replacement for UNAVCO's original QC software, but requires an outgoing collaboration with GPS/GNSS manufacturers and other institutions in order for it to be a continuing success. Collaboration, with non-disclosure agreements with UNAVCO if desired, is with:


In addition, there is collaboration with geodetic institutions, among which are:

    JPL (USA)
    USGS (USA)
    NRCan (Canada)
    GSI (Japan)

and with geodetic investigators at academic instituions in the US and around the world.

A world-wide user group, consisting of thousands of users, is also actively engaged in making the teqc software a more useful tool for GNSS data.

For more information about the teqc software itself, see the teqc homepage.


Last modified: 2020-06-10  16:03:17  America/Denver