In 1998 the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) initiated the Global Strain Rate Map Project. As a major component to the Global Strain Rate Map Project, Kreemer et al. [2001] determined a global strain rate model. The global strain rate model was the first model to describe the kinematics of the plates and the deformation zones between the plates for all of the Earth's surface. This model provides estimates of the style and magnitude of the strain rate field within plate boundary zones at a resolution of about 0.5°.
UNAVCO aided the ILP GSRM project by designing and building a website to host the model, including a description of the methodology used to create the model, the geodetic and geologic data used to contrain the model, and the model results. UNAVCO also made the input geodetic and geologic data and the model results available in a special edition of UNAVCO's Jules Verne Voyager.
Note: See also the later GEM GSRM "version 2".
Last modified: 2019-12-24 02:12:55 America/Denver