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COOPEUS - Connecting Research Infrastructures


COOPEUS (Cooperation EU/US) is a project funded under the Research Infrastructures action of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the EU, with the goal of bringing together scientists and users being involved in Europe’s major environmental related research infrastructure projects, i.e. EISCAT, EPOS, LifeWATCH, EMSO, and ICOS, with their US counterparts that are responsible for the NSF funded projects AMISR, EarthScope, DataONE, OOI and NEON.

In cooperation with European Plate Observing System (EPOS), UNAVCO has facilitated installation of its GSAC software for data and metadata distribution based on web services at multiple European GNSS data centers. See COOPEUS Partner GSAC Repositories.


Last modified: 2019-12-24  02:12:59  America/Denver