The NSF GAGE Facility (herafter simply GAGE) downloads or streams 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-Hz GPS data from select sites in the PBO GPS network, COCONet, POLENET, and other networks. A majority of the 1-Hz GPS data is from 1-Hz real-time streamed data (see also Real-Time GPS). GAGE also periodically downloads a subset of the PBO GPS Network for 1- or 5-Hz data at sites affected by geophysical events such as earthquakes or volcanic activity.
In addition to data from the PBO GPS Network, PIs sometimes request that GAGE archive and make available downloaded GPS data from various sites at 1-, 2-, 5-, or 10-Hz. For example, in early 2014, 2-Hz GPS data from three sites in POLENET were being archived at GAGE.
Generally, all high-rate data is made available in the RINEX format using our GPS/GNSS Data Archive Interface or from our GPS/GNSS ftp server. High-rate data arriving in raw receivers formats or BINEX can be made available for a limited time on our GPS/GNSS ftp server.
Major subsets of high-rate data that have been archived at GAGE and can be accessed via the GPS/GNSS Data Archive Interface are:
In addition, there are many other regional or specialized subsets of archived high-rate data:
Last modified: 2024-07-08 17:16:07 America/Denver