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Real-Time GPS

The NSF GAGE Facility broadcasts streaming 1-Hz GNSS/GPS data from a subset of The NOTA network of ~1100 stations which are available in BINEX, RTCM 2.3 and RTCM 3.1 formats via the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTrip). The number of stations involved in 1-Hz GPS streaming is increasing over time while EarthScope Consortium (formerly UNAVCO) operates the GAGE Facility.

BINEX is an open-source binary format that contains both standard GPS observable data and other metadata and data timeseries from the receiver. Streaming BINEX data can be translated to RINEX in real time using UNAVCO's teqc utility. The various RTCM formats are typically less comprehensive than BINEX, but RTCM is more common and is translated by most NTrip Client software.

RINEX of this 1-Hz real-time data for previous days can be accessed via the GPS/GNSS Data Archive Interface, or RINEX of this 1-Hz real-time data for earlier hours or previous days can be accessed directly on our GPS/GNSS ftp server.


Last modified: 2024-07-08  17:33:55  America/Denver