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Derived Data Products

NAM14 velocity field

The GAGE GNSS Analysis Center (AC) at Central Washington University and the GAGE GNSS Analysis Center Coordinator (ACC) at MIT analyze RINEX (Level 1) data to generate post-processed derived data (Level 2) products for more than 2,000 stations from NOTA, NSF PI networks, and other regional networks. Please see Recent and planned changes to GAGE GNSS data analysis centers and products, including the discontinuation of the NMT AC and PBO products. Key reference: Reviews of Geophysics Publication on PBO GPS Data Analysis Methods and Products (Herring et al., 2016)

Quick Links to GPS/GNSS Data Products

Includes: Overview, Direct File Access, Search and Access Tools.


GPS/GNSS Derived Data Products Access Method / Product Format
Data Product Level Description Generation Frequency Creator File Server Web Graphical Interface Web Service
Level 2 Position solution time series Daily MIT ASCII, CSV n/a (was DAIv2) ASCII, CSV
Velocity solutions Monthly MIT ASCII n/a (was DAIv2) ASCII, CSV
Position offsets (e.g. coseismic) Varies MIT ASCII n/a n/a
Tropospheric parameter estimates Daily CWU ASCII n/a n/a
Position solution QA parameters Daily, varies UNR ASCII n/a (was DAIv2) n/a
Position solutions (loose) Daily CWU SINEX n/a (was DAIv2) n/a
Position solutions (constrained) Daily MIT SINEX n/a (was DAIv2) n/a

Direct File Access

File Server

  • GAGE’s primary direct data access point. Subdirectories contain time series, velocities, offsets, earthquake event files, hydrologic loading displacements, etc.
    • GPS Site Coordinates
      List of site coordinates for all active stations via ASCII File processed by the GAGE AC’s and ACC for the most recent epoch (full 24 hour day) available. List is generated dynamically via web services and is continuously updated. Available in IGS14, NAM14, ANT14, IGS08, and NAM08 reference frames.
    • GPS Site Velocities
      Long term GPS velocity field solutions via ASCII File. Estimates of offsets from antenna changes, equipment problems (such as broken radomes), and earthquakes are incorporated. Solutions are from the most recent “snapshot” velocity solution, generated approximately monthly. Available in IGS14, NAM14, ANT14, IGS08, and NAM08 reference frames.

GPS/GNSS Time Series Plots

  • Link to position time series plots.

PBO H2O Products

  • An archive of PBO H2O snow depth, soil moisture, and vegetation data products using GPS reflections were posted every morning. This archive for historic purposes until a new way to generate these products is found.

Search and Access Tools

  • Graphical User Interfaces

    • GPS/GNSS Time Series Interactive Plotter (Beta)
      Plots north-south, east-west, and vertical GPS positions over time, for one or more stations on a single plot, and provides site event information such as equipment changes. After launching the viewer, enter one or more GPS site 4-char ID(s) in the white field in the upper left.
    • GPS Velocities via KMZ
      Long term GPS velocity field solutions for the PBO network. Estimates of offsets from antenna changes, equipment problems (such as broken radomes), and earthquakes are incorporated. NOTE: Best used with Google Earth Pro desktop.
    • GPS Time Series via Network Monitoring Station Pages (GAGE Operated Stations Only)
      NOTE: intended for station status only. Some data and products are linked from these station pages but this is NOT a primary data access point as only a subset of existing stations/data are available from this interface. The primary data access points for GAGE data are the DAIv2 and the File Server. See also: Nearby timeseries plots.
  • Web Services/Command Line Interfaces

Analysis Information and Resources

Includes: GAGE Velocity Field, Technical Reports, Processing Files, User Notices and Advisories, Documentation, Resources, Presentations and Posters, External Data Centers.

GAGE Velocity Field

Technical Reports

Quarterly technical reports describing GAGE GPS analysis activities are provided by the Analysis Center Coordinator at MIT. These reports summarize statistics for all stations analyzed during the period as well as processing notes, station offsets, etc.

Processing Files

The following files include all the files referred to in the Quarterly Technical Reports.

User Notices and Advisories



Presentations and Posters

External Data Centers

Currently, data from most GNSS stations analyzed by the GAGE AC and ACC are accessed from the GAGE Data Center. Data from additional stations are accessed from the following data centers:


Last modified: 2024-07-25  15:16:55  America/Denver