RESESS Alum Jae Bridges accepted into graduate program

We are delighted to congratulate Jae Bridges—a 2020 RESESS intern—for being accepted into the graduate program at Ohio University this fall! We’re even happier to note that Jae will be working with Prof. Katherine Fornash, who is herself an alum of the RESESS program!

UNAVCO summer internship programs are underway!

May 24 saw the official launch of our three summer internship programs! The RESESS program provides undergraduate research internships primarily focused on increasing diversity in the geosciences, the Geo-Launchpad program specifically serves Colorado and New Mexico community college students, and the USIP program brings in graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in to work with UNAVCO … Continued

Monitoring hurricanes with… GPS stations?

Weather satellites track hurricanes through a number of different types of measurements but all things have strengths and weaknesses. And when it comes to severe weather, there’s no such thing as too much data for improving forecasts. Believe it or not, GPS stations may be able to help.

Response to March 22 tragedy in Boulder

Our Statement Monday’s fatal shootings in Boulder occurred close to home for many of us at UNAVCO. While no UNAVCO staff were directly affected, the grief in the community reaches far. Our thoughts are with all those who have suffered senseless loss, to whom we can only extend our sympathies. The CU Boulder website has … Continued

The 2021 GAGE/SAGE Science Workshop will be virtual

A GAGE/SAGE Science Workshop had originally been scheduled for August of last year, but was postponed to 2021. It’s still going ahead as a virtual meeting, but in that time a lot of thought and work has gone into coming up with an effective virtual format. The goals of the workshop are to foster community, … Continued