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2020 Seafloor Geodesy Community Building Events

Join the emergent seafloor geodesy community through this series of engagement activities. The in-person workshop will be transformed to an online experience, details forthcoming. The goal of these activities are to build the seafloor geodesy community, including scientists from academic institutions, government agencies, and international partners.

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, send your request to the Seafloor Geodesy listserv.

All other information can be found on the Seafloor Geodesy website (

Program Committee:

James Foster, Bruce Haines, Yoshihiro Ito, Laura Wallace, Janet Watt, Mark Zumberge

Organizing Committee:

Andrew Newman, Noel Bartlow, Benjamin Brooks, Donna Charlevoix, Susan Owen, and David Schmidt


Please contact Andrew Newman:


Last modified: 2020-08-20  14:04:35  America/Denver