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Travel | InSAR Processing and Theory with GMTSAR: Sentinel-1A Time Series

  • Dates: Wednesday August 16 – Friday August 18, 2017
  • Location: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
  • Times: Course will begin at 9 AM on August 16 and end an 12 PM on August 18.

Air Reservations

Unless you have been selected for support, please book your own air reservations. If you have been selected to receive support for your airfare, please contact Jaime Magliocca to book your air and hotel reservations.


A block of apartments with four individiual sleeping rooms and two bathrooms are being held on campus at the Revelle Apartments at a cost of $120.00 pp. If you are not supported and would like to hold to reserve a room, please contact Jaime Magliocca


UNAVCO will cover lunch and snack breaks for the duration of the Workshop. Breakfast is provided by the hotel and dinner will be provided on Wednesday evening. Dinner on Thursday is on your own.

Financial Support - limited funding is available for student participation. Follow the link for more information and to apply for support.

Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:46  America/Denver