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Remote Station Engineering - Documentation | Polar Services

Permanent Station Design Change Log

  • Change Log file. Updated minimum twice per year.

Configuration for GAGE Polar Permanent Station GPS Electronics

  • GPS receiver firmware
    Trimble NetRS 1.3-2 (Oct 2012) [rpm file]     Note: this firmware can be installed on all NetRS regardless of warranty date.
    Trimble NetR9 4.93 (Feb 2015) [timg file]
    Trimble NetR8 4.85 (Aug 2014) [timg file]
  • GPS receiver configuration settings
    Trimble NetRS with firmware 1.3-2:  Configuration Form [doc]  [pdf]  NetRS Configuration File [txt]
    Trimble NetR9 with firmware 4.93:  Configuration Form [doc]  [pdf]  NetR9 Clone file [xml]
  • Iridium modem configuration settings
    Dial-up and Xeos RUDICS devices:  Configuration form [doc]  [pdf]
    How to disable PIN code on Iridium SIM card [pdf]  SIM card will not function with these systems if PIN is not disabled.
  • Weather station configuration settings
    Vaisala WXT-520:  Configuration file [wxc]  (plain text file with .wxc extension)

Testing for GAGE Polar Permanent Station GPS Hardware

  • Permanent Station Test Procedure [doc] [pdf]
  • Permament Station Test Log Sheet [doc] [pdf]
  • Test Procedure Appendix 1 [doc] [pdf]   (Trimble NetRS instructions)
  • Test Procedure Appendix 2 [doc] [pdf]   (Power system component QC checks)
  • Test Procedure Appendix 3 [doc] [pdf]   (Trimble NetR9 instructions)
  • Test Procedure Appendix 4 [doc] [pdf]   (How to QC GPS datafiles)
  • Test Procedure Appendix 5 [doc] [pdf]   (How to setup data downloading)

Field Site Visit Documents

  • Remote Site Visit Procedures [doc] [pdf]
  • Remote Site Visit Checklist [doc] [pdf]
  • GPS System Installation Manual [doc] [pdf]
  • GPS System Installation Checklist [doc] [pdf]
  • GPS Antenna Mast Installation Instructions and Supplier Information [pdf]
  • Plateau System Installation Manual (draft) [doc] [pdf]
  • Instructions for placing Iridium call to GPS site using Windows XP [pdf]

System Component Lists

  • List of Components for Rock Site [xls] [pdf]
  • List of Components for Snow Site [xls] [pdf]
  • List of Components for Tool Kits [xls] [pdf]
  • Weight Calculator for Permanent Stations [xls]

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver