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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2005/06 Season) - I-205 Anandakrishnan

I-205 Anandakrishnan

Data Set Name:
I-205 2005/06

PI: Sridhar Anandakrishnan
Institution: Pennsylvania State University
POC: Sridhar Anandakrishnan

Data Type:


Name: West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Ross Ice Shelf

Data Center:
Name: PI
The third season of the TIDES project involved high frequency motion surveys of the Bindschadler and MacAyeal Ice Streams. It was found in previous seasons that ocean tides exert strong influence on the behavior of these ice streams, although individual ice streams respond in dramatically different ways to tidal forcing. Improved knowledge of ice-stream behavior will contribute to researchers' ability to assess the potential for rapid ice-sheet change affecting global sea levels. Approximately 30 receivers were deployed during the season on the ice streams as well as two supporting studies of motion of the Byrd and Mulock Glaciers. UNAVCO provided 24 campaign systems (14 R7, 10 NetRS) for this project. Also, the three Mulock Glacier systems were deployed by UNAVCO personnel.

Last modified: 2019-12-24  02:12:38  America/Denver