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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2005/06 Season) - I-190 MacAyeal

I-190 MacAyeal

Data Set Name:
I-190 2005/06

PI: Douglas MacAyeal
Institution: University of Chicago
POC: Douglas MacAyeal

Data Type:


Name: Ross Ice Shelf and Icebergs C-16 and B-15J
Coordinates:  77.833 S, 166.667 E
Radius: 100 km

Data Center:
Name: PI
Six Trimble R7 receivers, training, and data processing assistance were provided to measure the motion over several weeks site on the seaward side of the crack which is separating the ‘Nascent berg' from the rest of the Ross ice shelf. One of these receiver systems was also left on iceberg C-16 to track its motion during the winter months. UNAVCO also supported an I-190 side project which monitored ice motions near the sea ice runway during aircraft operations.

Last modified: 2019-12-24  02:12:38  America/Denver