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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2005/06 Season) - I-139 Hallet

I-139 Hallet

Data Set Name:
I-139 2005/06

PI: Bernard Hallet
Institution: University of Washington
POC: Erin Pettit

Data Type:
Fast Static


Name: Taylor Glacier
Coordinates:  77.717 S  162.267 E
Radius: 1 km

Data Center:
Phone: (303) 381-7500
Taylor Glacier is an outlet glacier of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet that terminates in Taylor Valley.  The I-139 field team deployed an array of instruments at the glacier's terminus to better understand the dynamics of dry-land calving.  Instruments include cameras, meteorological sensors, strain gauges, tilt sensors, thermistors, seismometers, and GPS receivers to observe and record calving events and measure air and ice conditions and strain within small networks.  UNAVCO provided one Trimble 5700 base station and two Trimble 4700/5700 rovers for kinematic surveying of geographical features during ground penetrating radar (GPR) transects and static surveying of four strain arrays, optical surveying sites and other measurement locations.  Three additional Trimble 5700 systems (one base station, two on the glacier) were installed near the terminus for continuous measurements during the summer and one hour daily measurements during the winter.  UNAVCO provided field support, data processing, and data archiving during the first part of the summer season.  Two Trimble 5700s, field support, data processing, and data archiving were also provided for a late-season resurvey of the strain networks.

Last modified: 2019-12-24  02:12:38  America/Denver