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WAIS Divide Base Station - Base Equipment

WAIS Base Equipment

A geodetic quality GPS base station is located at the WAIS Divide Camp. Base station WAIS consists of a Trimble NetRS GPS receiver, a Trimble Zephyr Geodetic antenna, and a computer for data downloading and backup. The receiver memory is partitioned to record both low-rate (15 second) and high-rate (1 second) GPS data files. Communication between the receiver and computer is accomplished with a pair of Intuicom wireless ethernet modems. The system is considered a permanent base station, and is not intended to be moved or disconnected.

One way to generate a coordinate for the WAIS base station is via the Canadian Spatial Reference System online Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service. For instructions see Using the CSRS-PPP online Precise Point Positioning Service. Users should be aware that due to motion of the underlying ice, the GPS base station moves approximately 3 meters horizontally and -0.5 meters vertically per year.

Interface Computer

A dedicated PC (Windows XP) is available for system users for downloading and backup of base station data. Communication to the base receiver is accomplished with a pair of Intuicom wireless ethernet modems. System documentation, including an instruction manual, is available on this computer.


Last modified: 2019-12-24  02:12:45  America/Denver