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McMurdo Station GPS Survey System - Available Equipment

Equipment Available

A geodetic system consisting of dual-frequency base station and roving receivers, capable of centimeter-level accuracy, is available at McMurdo Station. The base station operates year-round, and roving equipment is available during the austral summer season.

Centimeter-level accuracy can be realized over 100 kilometers away from the station by collecting and post-processing data. Software for GPS data processing is available from GAGE. Also, real-time kinematic (RTK) broadcasts provide real-time capability within a five kilometer line-of-sight radius of McMurdo. The RTK signal is broadcast at 418 MHz, with CMR+ format at 9600 baud.

Base station data (low-rate) are available online from the GAGE Archive (site MCMD). During the austral summer season high-rate data files are downloaded and archived by GAGE, however in general the higher sample rate data are recorded on the receiver only and are not archived. Due to the limited storage space for high-rate data on the receiver, any group requiring high-rate GPS data from this station should make a formal request as soon as possible by emailing

GAGE also operates several other GPS base stations in the McMurdo region in support of PI projects, and data from these stations available through the GAGE archive. Contact for further information.

The following GPS equipment is available for use at McMurdo Station:
Trimble NetR8 Base Station
Geodetic GPS base station for data collection and RTK broadcasting. An equipment inventory is maintained on this page.
Roving Systems
GAGE can provide geodetic GPS survey systems that allow centimeter accuracy in real-time (RTK) or through data collection and post-processing. Roving receivers such as the Trimble R7, as well as all ancillary equipment such as power systems, enclosures, survey controllers, and cabling are available. Roving equipment must be requested in advance of the field season.
Data Processing Software
Trimble Business Center data processing software, along with other GPS utilities, are supported by GAGE at McMurdo Station.

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver