# processing an Envisat pair from 2010 Baja California earthquake #### # go to WInSAR archive (http://winsar.unavco.org) # and search for Envisat data with center lat. 32.5 and long. -115.5, distance 150 km # select and download scenes from 2010-03-28 and 2010-05-02 # should get these four files: # ENV1_2_084_2943_42222.baq # ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq # ENV1_2_084_2943_42723.baq # ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq # start in Downloads directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:~ insar$ cd Downloads/ admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ ls About Downloads.pdf fftw-3.2.2 ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq fftw-3.2.2.tar.gz ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq gcc-snwleo-intel-bin.tar.gz Envisat gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar.gz Envisat-sample-processing.txt h5py-1.3.1 InSARPrinciplesTheory_UNAVCO_11.pdf h5py-1.3.1.tar.gz MDX installation-steps.txt MacPorts-2.0.0-10.6-SnowLeopard.dmg netcdf-4.1.3 ROI_PAC_3_0_1 netcdf-4.1.3.tar.gz ROI_PAC_3_0_1.tgz numpy-1.6.1 ROI_PAC_3_1beta numpy-1.6.1.tar.gz SAR_CONFIG-gfortran.txt roi_pac_3_1beta.tgz SAR_CONFIG-gfortran_v3_1.txt roi_pac_testdir.tar.gz TEST_DIR rp_test_download.html #### # download the Envisat ancillary data in Downloads directory # Envisat-ancillary-sample.tgz # unpack it admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ tar zxvf Envisat-ancillary-sample.tgz x Envisat/ x Envisat/INS/ x Envisat/vor/ x Envisat/vor/DOR_VOR_AXVF-P20100423_084900_20100327_215526_20100329_002326 x Envisat/vor/DOR_VOR_AXVF-P20100604_104000_20100501_215526_20100503_002326 x Envisat/INS/.gmtcommands4 x Envisat/INS/ASA_CON_AXVIEC20091217_101713_20070204_165113_20101231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20031209_113259_20021030_110000_20030211_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20031209_113421_20030211_000000_20041231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20031212_105841_20021017_162400_20021030_110000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20031212_122530_20020815_131000_20021017_162400 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20041215_180208_20030211_000000_20051231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20051219_161945_20030211_000000_20061231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20061220_105425_20030211_000000_20071231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20070223_140724_20070226_000000_20071231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20070227_105626_20070228_060000_20071231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20070306_164819_20070307_060000_20071231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20071218_083603_20070307_060000_20081231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20081215_140905_20070307_060000_20091231_000000 x Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20091217_114637_20090428_100000_20101231_235959 x Envisat/INS/ASA_XCA_AXVIEC20091217_114112_20080801_000000_20101231_235959 x Envisat/INS/ASA_XCH_AXVIEC20091217_113006_20020301_000000_20101231_000000 x Envisat/INS/Readme admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ ls Envisat INS vor ### edit your SAR_CONFIG to tell ROI_pac where ancillary data is installed: #for Envisat export SAR_ENV_ORB=/Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat export INS_DIR=$SAR_ENV_ORB/INS # remember to save the file and "source" it again admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ source SAR_CONFIG-gfortran_v3_1.txt # above should have made Envisat directory, if not create admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ mkdir Envisat # go into Envisat directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Downloads insar$ cd Envisat # make first date (2010-03-28) directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ mkdir 100328 # move Envisat BAQ file to directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ mv ../ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq 100328/ # go to first date directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ cd 100328/ admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100328 insar$ ls ENV1_2_084_2961_41721.baq # run make_raw_envi on first date admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100328 insar$ make_raw_envi.pl ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq DOR 100328 ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq +make_raw_envi.pl Checking I/O +make_raw_envi.pl General definitions orbit number 42222, track 00084 Facility: PDHS-E Acqsn date: 100328 +make_raw_envi.pl Retrieving Instrument file from /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS +make_raw_envi.pl Using Instrument file: /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20091217_114637_20090428_100000_20101231_235959 Decoding 1 frame(s) +make_raw_envi.pl asa_im_decode ENV1_2_084_2961_42222.baq /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20091217_114637_20090428_100000_20101231_235959 tmp_IMAGERY.raw 1 0 width=5681, length=26903 subtracting range bias +make_raw_envi.pl Finding reference counter, pri and prf +make_raw_envi.pl Reading the imagery file +make_raw_envi.pl Writing the imagery resource file +make_raw_envi.pl Reading state vectors, Building hdr_data_points_100328 file +make_raw_envi.pl Retrieving Orbit file from /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/vor +make_raw_envi.pl Using orbit file: /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/vor/DOR_VOR_AXVF-P20100423_084900_20100327_215526_20100329_002326 +make_raw_envi.pl Reformating DORIS orbit information into HDR style +make_raw_envi.pl Using Orbit Information +make_raw_envi.pl Doppler Computation running dopiq-new on 26703 lines of tmp_IMAGERY.raw quadratic Doppler fit 0.12821 -3.4905e-05 2.3744e-09 Keyword RAW_TYPE doesn't exist in tmp_IMAGERY.raw.rsc, returning 0 updating tmp_IMAGERY.raw Doppler +make_raw_envi.pl Raw data ready for processing # go back to Envisat directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100328 insar$ cd ../ # make directory for second date 2010-05-02 admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ mkdir 100502 # copy Envisat product to directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ mv ../ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq 100502/ # go into second date directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ cd 100502/ admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100502 insar$ ls ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq # run make_raw_envi on second date ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq +make_raw_envi.pl Checking I/O +make_raw_envi.pl General definitions orbit number 42723, track 00084 Facility: PDHS-E Acqsn date: 100502 +make_raw_envi.pl Retrieving Instrument file from /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS +make_raw_envi.pl Using Instrument file: /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20091217_114637_20090428_100000_20101231_235959 Decoding 1 frame(s) +make_raw_envi.pl asa_im_decode ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/INS/ASA_INS_AXVIEC20091217_114637_20090428_100000_20101231_235959 tmp_IMAGERY.raw 1 0 width=5681, length=26903 subtracting range bias +make_raw_envi.pl Finding reference counter, pri and prf +make_raw_envi.pl Reading the imagery file +make_raw_envi.pl Writing the imagery resource file +make_raw_envi.pl Reading state vectors, Building hdr_data_points_100502 file +make_raw_envi.pl Retrieving Orbit file from /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/vor +make_raw_envi.pl Using orbit file: /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/vor/DOR_VOR_AXVF-P20100604_104000_20100501_215526_20100503_002326 +make_raw_envi.pl Reformating DORIS orbit information into HDR style +make_raw_envi.pl Using Orbit Information +make_raw_envi.pl Doppler Computation running dopiq-new on 26703 lines of tmp_IMAGERY.raw quadratic Doppler fit 0.12861 -3.5358e-05 2.4633e-09 Keyword RAW_TYPE doesn't exist in tmp_IMAGERY.raw.rsc, returning 0 updating tmp_IMAGERY.raw Doppler +make_raw_envi.pl Raw data ready for processing admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100502 insar$ ls 100502.raw dop.mod hdr_data_points_100502.rsc 100502.raw.rsc dop.out log ENV1_2_084_2961_42723.baq dop.unw log1 SAR.param dopiq.in # go back to Envisat directory admins-MacBook-Pro-7:100328 insar$ cd ../ # download Imperial-Mexicali Valley DEM from server # Imperial-Mexicali-DEM.tgz # move archive to Envisat directory mv ../Imperial-Mexicali-DEM.tgz . # unpack admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ tar zxvf Imperial-Mexicali-DEM.tgz x topo/._Imperial.dem x topo/Imperial.dem x topo/._Imperial.dem.rsc x topo/Imperial.dem.rsc x topo/Imperial.dem.rsc.hst # download processing configuration files # Baja-Envisat-proc-files.tgz # move to Envisat directory mv Baja-Envisat-proc-files.tgz . # unpack admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ tar zxvf Baja-Envisat-proc-files.tgz x co-1003-1005-2x10.proc x co-1003-1005-4x20.proc #### # edit co-1003-1005-4x20.proc # change path to DEM # DEM=/Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/topo/Imperial.dem ### # now ready to process admins-MacBook-Pro-7:Envisat insar$ process_2pass.pl co-1003-1005-4x20.proc +process_2pass.pl Read the inputfile +process_2pass.pl Define Variables +process_2pass.pl Go from raw to slc to int and cor (also flattens with orbits) +raw2ampintcor.pl Check Doppler values +dopav.pl Checking I/O Creating /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/100328/roi.dop.rsc Creating /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/100502/roi.dop.rsc +dopav.pl Reading the imagery files.raw.rsc +dopav.pl Creating the files roi.dop.rsc +dopav.pl just before SL_AZIMUT_RESOL +dopav.pl just after SL_AZIMUT_RESOL +dopav.pl just before SL_AZIMUT_RESOL +dopav.pl just after SL_AZIMUT_RESOL +raw2ampintcor.pl Make ROI Input Files +roi_prep.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328_roi.in Creating 100328.slc.rsc +roi_prep.pl setting roi default +roi_prep.pl Reading resource file: 100328.raw.rsc Keyword RANGE_OFFSET doesn't exist in 100328.raw.rsc, returning 0 +roi_prep.pl Computing parameters +roi_prep.pl chirp length in samples 522 +roi_prep.pl Azimuth patch length 4096 +roi_prep.pl Synthetic aperture length in samples 1071 +roi_prep.pl Writing resource file: 100328.slc.rsc +roi_prep.pl Writing roi input file: 100328_roi.in +roi_prep.pl Checking I/O Creating 100502_roi.in Creating 100502.slc.rsc +roi_prep.pl setting roi default +roi_prep.pl Reading resource file: 100502.raw.rsc Keyword RANGE_OFFSET doesn't exist in 100502.raw.rsc, returning 0 +roi_prep.pl Computing parameters +roi_prep.pl chirp length in samples 522 +roi_prep.pl Azimuth patch length 4096 +roi_prep.pl Synthetic aperture length in samples 1071 +roi_prep.pl Writing resource file: 100502.slc.rsc +roi_prep.pl Writing roi input file: 100502_roi.in +raw2ampintcor.pl Make Baseline files +baseline.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328_100502_baseline.rsc +baseline.pl Reading resource file: 100328.slc.rsc +baseline.pl Reading resource file: 100502.slc.rsc lookangle 16.1589624257971 +baseline.pl Getting orbital parameters +baseline.pl Calculating baseline +baseline.pl Printing to file 100328_100502_baseline.rsc +raw2ampintcor.pl Running ROI Starting ROI 1 +roi.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328.slc +roi.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/roi 100328_roi.in > 100328_roi.out Starting ROI 2 +roi.pl Checking I/O Creating 100502.slc +roi.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/roi 100502_roi.in > 100502_roi.out +roi.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/share/roi_pac/length.pl 100328.slc +look.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328_16rlks.slc Creating 100328_16rlks.slc.rsc +look.pl Wrote new rscfile +look.pl Using lookdown routine +roi.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/share/roi_pac/length.pl 100502.slc +look.pl Checking I/O Creating 100502_16rlks.slc Creating 100502_16rlks.slc.rsc +look.pl Wrote new rscfile +look.pl Using lookdown routine +raw2ampintcor.pl Get offsets +make_offset.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328-100502_ampcor.off Creating 100328-100502_ampcor.off.rsc +make_offset.pl Reading resource file: 100328_100502_baseline.rsc +offset.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.off Creating 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.in Creating 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.out +offset.pl Reading resource file: 100328.slc.rsc +offset.pl Reading resource file: 100502.slc.rsc +offset.pl Writing resource file: 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.off.rsc +offset.pl Writing input_file: 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.in +offset.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/ampcor 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.in rds > 100328-100502_ampcor_gross.out +synth_offset.pl Culling gross offset +synth_offset.pl Getting the fine offset +offset.pl Checking I/O Creating ampmag.off Creating ampmag.in Creating ampmag.out +offset.pl Reading resource file: 100328-100502_4rlks.cor.rsc +offset.pl Reading resource file: sim_3asec_4rlks.hgt.rsc +offset.pl Writing resource file: ampmag.off.rsc +offset.pl Writing input_file: ampmag.in +offset.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/ampcor ampmag.in rds > ampmag.out +synth_offset.pl Culling points 859 points left after culling +dem2diff.pl Morphing simulation and doing 2-pass +synth2radar.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328-100502_4rlks_SIM.aff +synth2radar.pl Registering the height map to the radar +rect.pl Believes input file is RMG format +rect.pl Using Bilinear to interpolate +rect.pl Checking I/O Creating radar_4rlks.hgt +rect.pl Registering to the simulation +rect.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/rect rect.in +diffnsim.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int Creating 100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int.rsc Creating radar_HDR_4rlks.unw Creating radar_HDR_4rlks.unw.rsc +diffnsim.pl Reading resource file: 100328-100502.int.rsc +diffnsim.pl Reading resource file: radar_4rlks.hgt.rsc +diffnsim.pl Writing resource file: 100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int.rsc +diffnsim.pl Running diffnsim line 1300+process_2pass.pl Making the deformation models for baseline reestimation +process_2pass.pl Filtering, making the mask, unwrapping +look.pl Checking I/O look.pl already done +look.pl Checking I/O Creating 100328-100502_4rlks.amp Creating 100328-100502_4rlks.amp.rsc +look.pl Wrote new rscfile +look.pl Using lookdown routine +int2filtmaskunwrap.pl Filtering +filter.pl Checking I/O Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int.rsc +filter.pl Filtering line 1300+filter.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/psfilt 100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int 1420 0.6 *** weighted power spectrum interferogram filter v1.0 clw 19-Feb-97 *** #lines in the interferogram file: 1354 line 1300+int2filtmaskunwrap.pl Form unwrapping mask using phase covariance +replace_mag.pl cpx2mag_phs filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int /dev/null phs 1420 line 1300+replace_mag.pl rmg2mag_phs 100328-100502_4rlks.cor pwr /dev/null 1420 line 1300+replace_mag.pl mag_phs2cpx pwr phs filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int 1420 line 1300+make_mask.pl Checking I/O Creating phase_var_HDR_4rlks.msk Creating phase_var_HDR_4rlks.msk.rsc +make_mask.pl Creating the Mask for Unwrapping +make_mask.pl cpx2mag_phs filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int pwr phs 1420 line 1300+make_mask.pl phase_slope filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int phasegrd.cpx 1420 5 0 *** phase gradient in range and azimuth with threshold v1.0 clw 4-nov-96 *** #lines in the interferogram file: 1354 processing window, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax: 0 1419 0 1353 processing window size, width, height: 1420 1354 window size size: 5 phase gradient correlation threshold: 0.0000 # correlation weights (range,azimuth): 5 5 indices,radius,weight: -2.50 -2.50 3.536 0.135 indices,radius,weight: -2.50 -1.50 2.915 0.257 indices,radius,weight: -2.50 -0.50 2.550 0.353 indices,radius,weight: -2.50 0.50 2.550 0.353 indices,radius,weight: -2.50 1.50 2.915 0.257 indices,radius,weight: -1.50 -2.50 2.915 0.257 indices,radius,weight: -1.50 -1.50 2.121 0.487 indices,radius,weight: -1.50 -0.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: -1.50 0.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: -1.50 1.50 2.121 0.487 indices,radius,weight: -0.50 -2.50 2.550 0.353 indices,radius,weight: -0.50 -1.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: -0.50 -0.50 0.707 0.923 indices,radius,weight: -0.50 0.50 0.707 0.923 indices,radius,weight: -0.50 1.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: 0.50 -2.50 2.550 0.353 indices,radius,weight: 0.50 -1.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: 0.50 -0.50 0.707 0.923 indices,radius,weight: 0.50 0.50 0.707 0.923 indices,radius,weight: 0.50 1.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: 1.50 -2.50 2.915 0.257 indices,radius,weight: 1.50 -1.50 2.121 0.487 indices,radius,weight: 1.50 -0.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: 1.50 0.50 1.581 0.670 indices,radius,weight: 1.50 1.50 2.121 0.487 sum of unnormalized weights: 13.578 normalized window coefficients: indicies,weight: 0 0 0.010 indicies,weight: 0 1 0.019 indicies,weight: 0 2 0.026 indicies,weight: 0 3 0.026 indicies,weight: 0 4 0.019 indicies,weight: 1 0 0.019 indicies,weight: 1 1 0.036 indicies,weight: 1 2 0.049 indicies,weight: 1 3 0.049 indicies,weight: 1 4 0.036 indicies,weight: 2 0 0.026 indicies,weight: 2 1 0.049 indicies,weight: 2 2 0.068 indicies,weight: 2 3 0.068 indicies,weight: 2 4 0.049 indicies,weight: 3 0 0.026 indicies,weight: 3 1 0.049 indicies,weight: 3 2 0.068 indicies,weight: 3 3 0.068 indicies,weight: 3 4 0.049 indicies,weight: 4 0 0.019 indicies,weight: 4 1 0.036 indicies,weight: 4 2 0.049 indicies,weight: 4 3 0.049 indicies,weight: 4 4 0.036 processing line: 1350 output lines: 1354 +make_mask.pl phase_mask filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int phasegrd.cpx sigma 1 1420 5 5 #lines in the interferogram file: 1354 processing window, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax: 0 1419 0 1353 processing window size, width, height: 1420 1354 # correlation weights (range,azimuth): 5 5 indices,radius,weight: -2 -2 0.111 indices,radius,weight: -2 -1 0.222 indices,radius,weight: -2 0 0.333 indices,radius,weight: -2 1 0.222 indices,radius,weight: -2 2 0.111 indices,radius,weight: -1 -2 0.222 indices,radius,weight: -1 -1 0.444 indices,radius,weight: -1 0 0.667 indices,radius,weight: -1 1 0.444 indices,radius,weight: -1 2 0.222 indices,radius,weight: 0 -2 0.333 indices,radius,weight: 0 -1 0.667 indices,radius,weight: 0 0 1.000 indices,radius,weight: 0 1 0.667 indices,radius,weight: 0 2 0.333 indices,radius,weight: 1 -2 0.222 indices,radius,weight: 1 -1 0.444 indices,radius,weight: 1 0 0.667 indices,radius,weight: 1 1 0.444 indices,radius,weight: 1 2 0.222 indices,radius,weight: 2 -2 0.111 indices,radius,weight: 2 -1 0.222 indices,radius,weight: 2 0 0.333 indices,radius,weight: 2 1 0.222 indices,radius,weight: 2 2 0.111 sum of unnormalized weights: 9.000 processing line: 1350 output lines: 1354 +make_mask.pl mag_phs2cpx pwr sigma phase_var_HDR_4rlks.int 1420 line 1300+make_mask.pl int_thr phase_var_HDR_4rlks.int phase_var_HDR_4rlks_thresh.int 1420 5e-05 +make_mask.pl cpx2mag_phs phase_var_HDR_4rlks_thresh.int /dev/null phase_var_HDR_4rlks_thresh 1420 line 1300+make_mask.pl add_phs phase_var_HDR_4rlks_thresh phs final_mask 1420 1354 0 1 +make_mask.pl mag_phs2rmg pwr final_mask phase_var_HDR_4rlks.msk 1420 line 1300+int2filtmaskunwrap.pl Unwrapping +new_cut.pl Checking I/O Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg.rsc +new_cut.pl Reading resource file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int.rsc +new_cut.pl Writing resource file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg.rsc +new_cut.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/residue filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg 1420 0 1420 0 1354 cannot open output flag file, creating new file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg insufficient #lines in the file, resetting length: 1353 file has insufficient width, resetting width: 1419 initializing flag array... processing line 1300 number of positive residues: 45650 number of negative residues: 45625 total number of residues: 91275 fraction residues: 0.04747 writing flag array... +new_cut.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/trees filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_cut.flg 1420 64 1 0 1420 0 1354 *** connection trees (ARW) v2.0 8-aug-94 par/clw *** #lines in the file: 1354 insufficient #lines in the file, ymax: 1353 +unwrap.pl Checking I/O Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.flg Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.flg.rsc Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw Creating filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw.rsc +unwrap.pl reading resource file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int.rsc +unwrap.pl doing the correlation mask +unwrap.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/corr_flag phase_var_HDR_4rlks.msk filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.flg 1420 0.05 1 0 1420 0 1354 +unwrap.pl unwrapping +unwrap.pl /Users/insar/Downloads/ROI_PAC_3_1beta/ROI_PAC/multibuild-110808-1443/installs/gfortran/bin/grass filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks.int filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.flg filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw 1420 1 0 1420 0 1354 710 677 # interferogram lines: 1354 insufficient #lines in the file, ymax: 1353 array width,height (x,y), starting line: 1420 1354 0 initial seed location (x,y): 710 677 initializing phase array values... reading flag file... actual seed location (x,y): 710 677 ping-pong interation, list size 1350 6859 total ping-pong interations 1386 fraction of the image unwrapped: 0.64492 writing output file... output line: 1300+process_2pass.pl Geocoding +radar2geo.pl Making mapping file +make_geomap.pl Checking I/O Creating /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/geo_1003-1005/geomap_4rlks.trans.rsc Creating /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/geo_1003-1005/geomap_4rlks.trans +make_geomap.pl Reading resource file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw.rsc +make_geomap.pl Building ORRM file +make_geomap.pl Reading resource file: /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/topo/Imperial.dem.rsc +make_geomap.pl Creating slope file +gradient.pl Checking I/O gradient.pl already done +make_geomap.pl Writing IntSim input_file: IntSim.in Keyword PROJECTION doesn't exist in /Users/insar/Downloads/Envisat/topo/Imperial.dem.rsc, returning 0 +make_geomap.pl IntSim IntSim.in > IntSim.out +make_geomap.pl Writing resource file: geomap_4rlks.trans.rsc +radar2geo.pl Geocoding filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw +geocode.pl Checking I/O Creating geo_100328-100502.unw Creating geo_100328-100502.unw.rsc +geocode.pl Reading resource file: geomap_4rlks.trans.rsc Keyword X_UNIT doesn't exist in geomap_4rlks.trans.rsc, returning 0 Keyword Y_UNIT doesn't exist in geomap_4rlks.trans.rsc, returning 0 +geocode.pl Reading resource file: filt_100328-100502-sim_HDR_4rlks_c5.unw.rsc +geocode.pl Writing resource file: geo_100328-100502.unw.rsc +process_2pass.pl That's all folks