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2020 GNSS Data Processing and Analysis with GAMIT/GLOBK and TRACK

Information on UNAVCO's response to COVID-19

Course Information

  • Dates: August 24-28, 2020
  • Time: Course will begin at 9:00 am Monday, August 24 and end at 5:00 pm on Friday August 28.
  • Time Zone: Mountain Time
  • Location: Online via Zoom

More Information

This short course will be offered in a virtual format only.

This workshop is designed for intermediate- to advanced-level users of the GNSS processing software suite GAMIT/GLOBK and kinematic module TRACK. The workshop will be divided into three parts to accommodate differing levels of experience, and both static and kinematic applications. Monday's lectures will be a review of GAMIT and GLOBK commands and file structures, and useful Unix command-line sequences not incorporated into scripts. Tuesday afternoon through Thursday will feature lectures on reference frame realization, error analysis, and efficient processing of both continuous and survey-mode observations. On all four days, there will be time allotted for one-on-one tutoring using participants' own data sets. Friday will focus on kinematic measurements and various examples of applications. Participants interested only in static measurements may wish to remain through Friday for one-on-one tutoring in a parallel session.

Participants must have their own laptops running a Unix-type system (Linux; Mac OS X; or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Cygwin or virtual machine software on Windows).

Prerequisites for attending this course are:

  1. Participants are required to have installed and tested the software, which will be verified by submission of a results file before acceptance to the course; and
  2. Participants must have a sample data set and a processing goal for tutoring assistance throughout the week. The two tutors are available for assistance via email prior to the workshop.

The course does not have a registration fee.

This short course will be available via Zoom and we will use the "Breakout Room" feature to allow the group to split for practice time with one of the two tutors, e.g. one room for demonstration and the other room for individual questions and answers.


GAMIT/GLOBK is licensed software. A valid license for your institution is a prerequisite to acceptance to this course. Please contact the instructors to confirm that your institution has a license or, if not, fill out the request form at

Brief Agenda

  • Mon am: Fundamentals of GNSS geodesy and GAMIT/GLOBK
  • Mon pm: Phase processing with GAMIT
  • Tue am: Post-processing with GLOBK
  • Tue pm: Generating time series and velocities
  • Wed am: Reference frames and error analysis
  • Wed pm: Time series editing and weighting
  • Thu am: Processing large GNSS networks
  • Thu pm: Helpful utilities and scripts
  • Fri am: Kinematic processing with track
  • Fri pm: Examples and applications of kinematic processing


  • Tom Herring (
  • Mike Floyd (

Last modified: 2020-09-16  10:33:24  America/Denver